
M.Sc, Assistant Professor of Entomology, NET Qualified
Email Id : Kiranrajyuvi812@gmail.com 

Working Experience

Project :
“Survey and management of Chilly gall midge, Asphondylia capsici through botanicals”


1. Surveying on incidence of chilli gall midge in major chilli growing areas of North Karnataka.
2. Evaluation of different botanicals against flower buds damage by chilli gall midge (Asphondylia capsici). 
3.  Evaluation of different botanicals against fruit damage by chilli gall midge (Asphondylia capsici).

Training programme attended:
1. Farmers training on importance of Agriculture and horticultural crops during RAWE (B.Sc.)
2. Participated in training on “Bivoltine Sericulture Technology Orientation Programme” Organized by CSB Bengaluru.

1. Remote sensing in insect pest management
2. Ecological engineering for encouragement of natural enemies against insect pest of horticulture crops